Amazing facts about green grass

You can commonly see the artificial green grass on the sports pitches and gold ground. The artificial green is more reliable than the real grass. To grow the real grass you need to have many conditions which should be right, like if it rains more or less and if the soil does not have proper nutrients then there the real grass gets spoiled. And it also takes a lot of time to grow the real grass incorrect way. The carpet grass singapore suits both for lawns and pitch.

carpet grass singapore

  • You might be surprised to know that green grass is also used in the gym. The main purpose of using green grass is that it provides exceptional hold and padding. You can also lift weights do sprint, and also the push-ups in the green grass as it is stretchier than the regular carpet.
  • The green grass is also used by many multinational companies to decorate their lobbies or board rooms. It gives a new look to the office area and also gives a very calm feeling when someone wants to take a break and get relaxed.
  • Nowadays people have become more environmental friendly and want to grow gardens in their houses. But in big cities, there is always the problem of free space so people have started turning their top roof into a garden. Here they use artificial grass as there is no need for much maintenance and there is no chance of leakage.
  • The green grass has also become part of the nurseries and daycare. With artificial green grass, there are no worries of it getting spoiled how many ever kids play on it as it will stand back after the use. In this way, the school can save a lot of money which they can invest in better education facilities for kids.


Hope this information is useful and when next time you are renovating surely try the green grass carpets.

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